1 /**
  2  * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 KO GmbH <copyright@kogmbh.com>
  3  *
  4  * @licstart
  5  * This file is part of WebODF.
  6  *
  7  * WebODF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  8  * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL)
  9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 10  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 11  *
 12  * WebODF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 13  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 15  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 16  *
 17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 18  * along with WebODF.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 19  * @licend
 20  *
 21  * @source: http://www.webodf.org/
 22  * @source: https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/
 23  */
 25 /*global ops, odf*/
 26 /*jslint nomen: true, evil: true, bitwise: true */
 28 /**
 29  * This operation splits the paragraph at the given
 30  * position. If the `moveCursor` flag is specified
 31  * and is set as true, the cursor is moved to the
 32  * beginning of the next paragraph. Otherwise, it
 33  * remains in it's original position.
 34  * The paragraph style for the new paragraph is specified by the
 35  * paragraphStyleName. If blank or empty, the new paragraph will
 36  * have no specified style.
 37  *
 38  * @constructor
 39  * @implements ops.Operation
 40  */
 41 ops.OpSplitParagraph = function OpSplitParagraph() {
 42     "use strict";
 44     var memberid, timestamp,
 45         /**@type{number}*/
 46         sourceParagraphPosition,
 47         /**@type{number}*/
 48         position,
 49         /**@type{boolean}*/
 50         moveCursor,
 51         /**@type{!string}*/
 52         paragraphStyleName,
 53         odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils,
 54         /**@const*/
 55         textns = odf.Namespaces.textns;
 57     /**
 58      * @param {!ops.OpSplitParagraph.InitSpec} data
 59      */
 60     this.init = function (data) {
 61         memberid = data.memberid;
 62         timestamp = data.timestamp;
 63         position = data.position;
 64         sourceParagraphPosition = data.sourceParagraphPosition;
 65         paragraphStyleName = data.paragraphStyleName;
 66         moveCursor = data.moveCursor === 'true' || data.moveCursor === true;
 67     };
 69     this.isEdit = true;
 70     this.group = undefined;
 72     /**
 73      * @param {!ops.Document} document
 74      */
 75     this.execute = function (document) {
 76         var odtDocument = /**@type{!ops.OdtDocument}*/(document),
 77             domPosition, paragraphNode, targetNode,
 78             node, splitNode, splitChildNode, keptChildNode,
 79             cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid);
 81         odtDocument.upgradeWhitespacesAtPosition(position);
 82         domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(position);
 83         if (!domPosition) {
 84             return false;
 85         }
 87         paragraphNode = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(domPosition.textNode);
 88         if (!paragraphNode) {
 89             return false;
 90         }
 92         if (odfUtils.isListItem(paragraphNode.parentNode)) {
 93             targetNode = paragraphNode.parentNode;
 94         } else {
 95             targetNode = paragraphNode;
 96         }
 98         // There can be a chain of multiple nodes between the text node
 99         // where the split is done and the containing paragraph nodes,
100         // e.g. text:span nodes
101         // So all nodes in this chain need to be split up, i.e. they need
102         // to be cloned, and then the clone and any next siblings have to
103         // be moved to the new paragraph node, which is also cloned from
104         // the current one.
106         // start with text node the cursor is in, needs special treatment
107         // if text node is split at the beginning, do not split but simply
108         // move the whole text node
109         if (domPosition.offset === 0) {
110             keptChildNode = domPosition.textNode.previousSibling;
111             splitChildNode = null;
112         } else {
113             keptChildNode = domPosition.textNode;
114             // if text node is to be split at the end, don't split at all
115             if (domPosition.offset >= domPosition.textNode.length) {
116                 splitChildNode = null;
117             } else {
118                 // splitText always returns {!Text} here
119                 splitChildNode = /**@type{!Text}*/(
120                     domPosition.textNode.splitText(domPosition.offset)
121                 );
122             }
123         }
125         // then handle all nodes until (incl.) the paragraph node:
126         // create a clone and add as childs the split node of the node below
127         // and any next siblings of it
128         node = domPosition.textNode;
129         while (node !== targetNode) {
130             node = node.parentNode;
132             // split off the node copy
133             // TODO: handle unique attributes, e.g. xml:id
134             splitNode = node.cloneNode(false);
135             // add the split child node
136             if (splitChildNode) {
137                 splitNode.appendChild(splitChildNode);
138             }
139             if (keptChildNode) {
140                 // Move all child nodes that should appear after the split to the new node
141                 while (keptChildNode && keptChildNode.nextSibling) {
142                     splitNode.appendChild(keptChildNode.nextSibling);
143                 }
144             } else {
145                 // All children of the original node should be moved after the split
146                 while (node.firstChild) {
147                     splitNode.appendChild(node.firstChild);
148                 }
149             }
150             node.parentNode.insertBefore(splitNode, node.nextSibling);
152             // prepare next level
153             keptChildNode = node;
154             splitChildNode = splitNode;
155         }
157         if (odfUtils.isListItem(splitChildNode)) {
158             splitChildNode = splitChildNode.childNodes.item(0);
159         }
161         if (paragraphStyleName) {
162             /**@type{!Element}*/(splitChildNode).setAttributeNS(textns, "text:style-name", paragraphStyleName);
163         } else {
164             /**@type{!Element}*/(splitChildNode).removeAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
165         }
167         // clean up any empty text node which was created by odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep
168         if (domPosition.textNode.length === 0) {
169             domPosition.textNode.parentNode.removeChild(domPosition.textNode);
170         }
171         odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position: position});
173         if (cursor && moveCursor) {
174             odtDocument.moveCursor(memberid, position + 1, 0);
175             odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
176         }
178         odtDocument.fixCursorPositions();
179         odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().refreshSize();
180         // mark both paragraphs as edited
181         odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {
182             paragraphElement: paragraphNode,
183             memberId: memberid,
184             timeStamp: timestamp
185         });
186         odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {
187             paragraphElement: splitChildNode,
188             memberId: memberid,
189             timeStamp: timestamp
190         });
192         odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().rerenderAnnotations();
193         return true;
194     };
196     /**
197      * @return {!ops.OpSplitParagraph.Spec}
198      */
199     this.spec = function () {
200         return {
201             optype: "SplitParagraph",
202             memberid: memberid,
203             timestamp: timestamp,
204             position: position,
205             sourceParagraphPosition: sourceParagraphPosition,
206             paragraphStyleName: paragraphStyleName,
207             moveCursor: moveCursor
208         };
209     };
210 };
211 /**@typedef{{
212     optype:string,
213     memberid:string,
214     timestamp:number,
215     position:number,
216     sourceParagraphPosition:number,
217     paragraphStyleName:string,
218     moveCursor:boolean
219 }}*/
220 ops.OpSplitParagraph.Spec;
221 /**@typedef{{
222     memberid:string,
223     timestamp:(number|undefined),
224     position:number,
225     sourceParagraphPosition:number,
226     paragraphStyleName:string,
227     moveCursor:(string|boolean|undefined)
228 }}*/
229 ops.OpSplitParagraph.InitSpec;