1 /**
  2  * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 KO GmbH <copyright@kogmbh.com>
  3  *
  4  * @licstart
  5  * This file is part of WebODF.
  6  *
  7  * WebODF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  8  * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL)
  9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 10  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 11  *
 12  * WebODF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 13  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 15  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 16  *
 17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 18  * along with WebODF.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 19  * @licend
 20  *
 21  * @source: http://www.webodf.org/
 22  * @source: https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/
 23  */
 25 /*global runtime, core, ops, Node*/
 27 (function() {
 28     "use strict";
 29     // Multiple cached translators may exist in the same runtime. Therefore, each node id should
 30     // be globally unique, so they can be safely re-used by multiple translators
 31     var /**@type{number}*/
 32         nextNodeId = 0;
 34     /**
 35      * Implementation of a step to DOM point lookup cache.
 36      *
 37      * A cache point ("bookmark") is created each time updateBookmark is called, saving the number of steps from the root
 38      * node to the bookmarked node. This cached point is linked to the node via a unique identifier.
 39      *
 40      * The cache works by tracking "damage" to it's bookmarks (via steps inserted & removal). As re-iteration over the
 41      * damaged sections occur, the bookmarks are updated, and the damage repaired.
 42      *
 43      * A visual example of the cache during various states is as follows:
 44      * legend: -=good bookmark, x=damaged bookmark, !=indeterminate bookmark, ?=requested step,
 45      *          @=current iterator position
 46      * 
 47      * [--------------] <-- cache before steps change
 48      * [----x!!!!!!!!!] <-- damage occurs (e.g., a step is deleted) which means all bookmarks after the damage point are
 49      *                      now indeterminate as their step location is now outdated
 50      * [----xxxxxxxxxx] <-- trailing bookmarks now considered "damaged", and will not be used until they can be repaired
 51      * [---@xxxx?xxxxx] <-- when a bookmark is requested for step in the damaged region, the last undamaged bookmark will
 52      *                      be returned instead. The consumer of this interface already knows additional iteration may
 53      *                      be necessary to reach the desired step count, so this case is no different than if the cache
 54      *                      was unprimed.
 55      * [------@xxxxxxx] <-- as re-iteration over the doc occurs, bookmark positions are updated and the damage start
 56      *                      point is moved along to the next damaged node
 57      *
 58      * This cache depends on OdtStepsTranslator.handleStepsInserted & handleStepsRemoved being called at the step of change,
 59      * along with information about the region that has changed. The cache is able to cope with nodes being cloned, as
 60      * long as the position of change is correctly reported.
 61      *
 62      * However, this implementation will NOT cope with nodes being re-ordered, even if a change event is reported.
 63      * This is because the cache relies on the nodes order remaining fixed as long as they are in the DOM.
 64      * If node reordering is desired, it can be achieved through cloning the node into the new position and removing
 65      * the original node (the clone will be detected and rectified).
 66      *
 67      * @constructor
 68      * @param {!Element} rootElement
 69      * @param {!number} bucketSize  Minimum number of steps between cache points
 70      * @param {!function(!number, !core.PositionIterator):undefined} restoreBookmarkPosition Fine-tune the iterator position after
 71      *      it is set to a specific bookmark location.
 72      */
 73     ops.StepsCache = function StepsCache(rootElement, bucketSize, restoreBookmarkPosition) {
 74         var coordinatens = "urn:webodf:names:steps",
 75             // Note, our coding standards usually require a key of !string for a dictionary.
 76             // As I'm often assigning numbers as well (which JS quite happily converts for me)
 77             // using both types saves me a lot of extra typing
 78             /**@type{!Object.<(!string|!number), !ops.StepsCache.Bookmark>}*/
 79             stepToDomPoint = {},
 80             /**@type{!Object.<!string, !ops.StepsCache.Bookmark>}*/
 81             nodeToBookmark = {},
 82             domUtils = core.DomUtils,
 83             /**@type{!RootBookmark}*/
 84             basePoint,
 85             /**@type{!number|undefined}*/
 86             lastUndamagedCacheStep,
 87             /**
 88              * @const
 89              * @type {!number}
 90              */
 92             /**
 93              * @const
 94              * @type {!number}
 95              */
 98         /**
 99          * Bookmark tied to a specific node
100          * @constructor
101          * @param {!string} nodeId
102          * @param {!Element} bookmarkNode
103          *
104          * @implements {ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
105          */
106         function NodeBookmark(nodeId, bookmarkNode) {
107             var self = this;
108             this.nodeId = nodeId;
109             this.steps = -1;
110             this.node = bookmarkNode;
111             this.nextBookmark = null;
112             this.previousBookmark = null;
114             /**
115              * @param {!core.PositionIterator} iterator
116              * @return {undefined}
117              */
118             this.setIteratorPosition = function(iterator) {
119                 iterator.setPositionBeforeElement(bookmarkNode);
120                 restoreBookmarkPosition(self.steps, iterator);
121             };
122         }
124         /**
125          * Bookmark indicating the first walkable position in the document
126          * @constructor
127          * @param {!string} nodeId
128          * @param {!number} steps
129          * @param {!Node} rootNode
130          *
131          * @implements {ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
132          */
133         function RootBookmark(nodeId, steps, rootNode) {
134             var self = this;
135             this.nodeId = nodeId;
136             this.steps = steps;
137             this.node = rootNode;
138             this.nextBookmark = null;
139             this.previousBookmark = null;
141             /**
142              * @param {!core.PositionIterator} iterator
143              * @return {undefined}
144              */
145             this.setIteratorPosition = function (iterator) {
146                 iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(rootNode, 0);
147                 restoreBookmarkPosition(self.steps, iterator);
148             };
149         }
151         /**
152          * Return a summary string of the supplied bookmark node id(s)
153          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} bookmark1
154          * @param {?ops.StepsCache.Bookmark=} bookmark2
155          * @return {!string}
156          */
157         function inspectBookmarks(bookmark1, bookmark2) {
158             var parts = "[" + bookmark1.nodeId;
159             if (bookmark2) {
160                 parts += " => " + bookmark2.nodeId;
161             }
162             return parts + "]";
163         }
165         /**
166          * Returns true if the specified bookmark is undamaged
167          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} bookmark
168          * @return {!boolean}
169          */
170         function isUndamagedBookmark(bookmark) {
171             return lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined
172                 || bookmark === basePoint
173                 || bookmark.steps <= lastUndamagedCacheStep;
174         }
176         /**
177          * Run a series of verification checks against the complete cache to ensure it is operating
178          * correctly. Note, this is VERY expensive, and should only be done when attempting to diagnose
179          * caching problems
180          * @return {undefined}
181          */
182         function verifyCache() {
183             if (ops.StepsCache.ENABLE_CACHE_VERIFICATION !== true) {
184                 return;
185             }
187             var bookmark = basePoint,
188                 previousBookmark,
189                 nextBookmark,
190                 documentPosition,
191                 loopCheck = new core.LoopWatchDog(0, 100000),
192                 /**@type{!Object.<!string, !string>}*/
193                 stepToDomPointNodeIds = {};
195             while (bookmark) {
196                 loopCheck.check();
197                 previousBookmark = bookmark.previousBookmark;
198                 if (previousBookmark) {
199                     // Make sure previous => current chain is intact
200                     runtime.assert(previousBookmark.nextBookmark === bookmark,
201                         "Broken bookmark link to previous @" + inspectBookmarks(previousBookmark, bookmark));
202                 } else {
203                     // If there is no previous, ensure this is the basePoint bookmark
204                     runtime.assert(bookmark === basePoint, "Broken bookmark link @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
205                     runtime.assert(isUndamagedBookmark(basePoint), "Base point is damaged @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
206                 }
207                 nextBookmark = bookmark.nextBookmark;
208                 if (nextBookmark) {
209                     // Make sure current => next chain is intact
210                     runtime.assert(nextBookmark.previousBookmark === bookmark,
211                         "Broken bookmark link to next @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark, nextBookmark));
212                 }
214                 if (isUndamagedBookmark(bookmark)) {
215                     runtime.assert(domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, bookmark.node),
216                         "Disconnected node is being reported as undamaged @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
217                     if (previousBookmark) {
218                         documentPosition = bookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(previousBookmark.node);
219                         /*jslint bitwise:true*/
220                         runtime.assert(documentPosition === 0 || (documentPosition & DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) !== 0,
221                             "Bookmark order with previous does not reflect DOM order @" + inspectBookmarks(previousBookmark, bookmark));
222                         /*jslint bitwise:false*/
223                     }
224                     if (nextBookmark) {
225                         if (domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, nextBookmark.node)) {
226                             documentPosition = bookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(nextBookmark.node);
227                             /*jslint bitwise:true*/
228                             runtime.assert(documentPosition === 0 || (documentPosition & DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) !== 0,
229                                 "Bookmark order with next does not reflect DOM order @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark, nextBookmark));
230                             /*jslint bitwise:false*/
231                         }
232                     }
233                 }
235                 bookmark = bookmark.nextBookmark;
236             }
238             Object.keys(stepToDomPoint).forEach(function(step) {
239                 var domPointBookmark = stepToDomPoint[step];
240                 if (lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined || step <= lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
241                     runtime.assert(domPointBookmark.steps <= step, "Bookmark step of " + domPointBookmark.steps +
242                         " exceeds cached step lookup for " + step + " @" + inspectBookmarks(domPointBookmark));
243                 }
245                 runtime.assert(stepToDomPointNodeIds.hasOwnProperty(domPointBookmark.nodeId) === false,
246                         "Bookmark " + inspectBookmarks(domPointBookmark) + " appears twice in cached step lookup at steps " +
247                         stepToDomPointNodeIds[domPointBookmark.nodeId] + " and " + step);
248                 stepToDomPointNodeIds[domPointBookmark.nodeId] = step;
249             });
250         }
252         /**
253          * Returns the closest quantized step at or before the requested step
254          * @param {!number} steps
255          * @return {!number}
256          */
257         function getBucket(steps) {
258             return Math.floor(steps / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
259         }
261         /**
262          * Returns the closest quantized step at or just after the requested step
263          * @param {!number} steps
264          * @return {!number}
265          */
266         function getDestinationBucket(steps) {
267             return Math.ceil(steps / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
268         }
270         /**
271          * @param {!Element} node
272          * @return {undefined}
273          */
274         function clearNodeId(node) {
275             node.removeAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId");
276         }
278         /**
279          * @param {!Node} node
280          * @return {!string}
281          */
282         function getNodeId(node) {
283             var id = "";
284             if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
285                 id = /**@type{!Element}*/(node).getAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId") || "";
286             }
287             return id;
288         }
290         /**
291          * @param {!Element} node
292          * @return {!string}
293          */
294         function setNodeId(node) {
295             var nodeId = nextNodeId.toString();
296             node.setAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId", nodeId);
297             nextNodeId += 1;
298             return nodeId;
299         }
301         /**
302          * The element might have been cloned from another part of the document and have a stale or duplicate
303          * nodeId
304          * @param {!Node} node
305          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} bookmark
306          * @return {!boolean} True if the bookmark is actually for the supplied node
307          */
308         function isValidBookmarkForNode(node, bookmark) {
309             return bookmark.node === node;
310         }
312         /**
313          * Fetches (or creates) a bookmark for the specified node.
314          *
315          * @param {!Element} node
316          * @return {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
317          */
318         function getNodeBookmark(node) {
319             var nodeId = getNodeId(node) || setNodeId(node),
320                 existingBookmark;
321             existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId];
322             if (!existingBookmark) {
323                 existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId] = new NodeBookmark(nodeId, node);
324             } else if (!isValidBookmarkForNode(node, existingBookmark)) {
325                 runtime.log("Cloned node detected. Creating new bookmark");
326                 nodeId = setNodeId(node);
327                 existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId] = new NodeBookmark(nodeId, node);
328             }
329             return existingBookmark;
330         }
332         /**
333          * Returns the closest undamaged bookmark before or at the specified step
334          * @param {!number} steps
335          * @return {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
336          */
337         function getClosestBookmark(steps) {
338             var cacheBucket,
339                 cachePoint,
340                 loopGuard = new core.LoopWatchDog(0, 10000);
342             // This function promises to return an undamaged bookmark at all times.
343             // Easiest way to ensure this is don't allow requests to damaged sections
344             // of the cache.
345             if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && steps > lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
346                 steps = lastUndamagedCacheStep;
347             }
348             cacheBucket = getBucket(steps);
350             while (!cachePoint && cacheBucket >= 0) {
351                 cachePoint = stepToDomPoint[cacheBucket];
352                 cacheBucket -= bucketSize;
353             }
355             cachePoint = cachePoint || basePoint;
356             while (cachePoint.nextBookmark && cachePoint.nextBookmark.steps <= steps) {
357                 loopGuard.check();
358                 cachePoint = cachePoint.nextBookmark;
359             }
360             runtime.assert(steps === -1 || cachePoint.steps <= steps,
361                     "Bookmark @" + inspectBookmarks(cachePoint) + " at step " + cachePoint.steps +
362                     " exceeds requested step of " + steps);
363             return cachePoint;
364         }
366         /**
367          * Returns the closest undamaged bookmark before (or equal to) the supplied bookmark
368          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} bookmark
369          * @return {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
370          */
371         function getUndamagedBookmark(bookmark) {
372             // Based on logic in the repairCacheUpToStep, a damaged bookmark is guaranteed to have it's
373             // steps moved beyond the damage point. This makes it simple to check if the bookmark is
374             // in the damaged region, and return the last undamaged one if it is.
375             if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && bookmark.steps > lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
376                 bookmark = getClosestBookmark(lastUndamagedCacheStep);
377             }
378             return bookmark;
379         }
381         /**
382          * Remove a bookmark from the cache chain
383          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} currentBookmark
384          * @return {undefined}
385          */
386         function removeBookmark(currentBookmark) {
387             if (currentBookmark.previousBookmark) {
388                 currentBookmark.previousBookmark.nextBookmark = currentBookmark.nextBookmark;
389             }
391             if (currentBookmark.nextBookmark) {
392                 currentBookmark.nextBookmark.previousBookmark = currentBookmark.previousBookmark;
393             }
394         }
396         /**
397          * Returns true if the newBookmark is already directly on or after the previous bookmark
398          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} previousBookmark
399          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} newBookmark
400          * @return {!boolean}
401          */
402         function isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark) {
403             return previousBookmark === newBookmark || previousBookmark.nextBookmark === newBookmark;
404         }
406         /**
407          * Insert a bookmark into the cache chain just after the previous bookmark
408          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} previousBookmark
409          * @param {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark} newBookmark
410          * @return {undefined}
411          */
412         function insertBookmark(previousBookmark, newBookmark) {
413             var nextBookmark;
414             // Check if the newBookmark is already in the chain at the correct location. Don't bother updating
415             // if it is in place.
416             if (!isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark)) {
417                 if (previousBookmark.steps === newBookmark.steps) {
418                     // It is valid for multiple bookmarks to share the same step.
419                     // In this case, step order becomes ambiguous so DOM order is now required to determine the
420                     // correct insertion point
421                     /*jslint bitwise:true*/
422                     while ((newBookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(previousBookmark.node) & DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) !== 0
423                             && previousBookmark !== basePoint) {
424                         // if the previous bookmark FOLLOWS the new bookmark, navigate back one
425                         previousBookmark = /**@type{!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}*/(previousBookmark.previousBookmark);
426                     }
427                     /*jslint bitwise:false*/
428                 }
430                 if (!isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark)) {
431                     // Removing the existing item first helps prevent infinite-loops from being created in the event of
432                     // some type of undiscovered cache bug.
433                     removeBookmark(newBookmark);
434                     // Assign this value before we override it just below
435                     nextBookmark = previousBookmark.nextBookmark;
437                     newBookmark.nextBookmark = previousBookmark.nextBookmark;
438                     newBookmark.previousBookmark = previousBookmark;
439                     previousBookmark.nextBookmark = newBookmark;
440                     if (nextBookmark) {
441                         nextBookmark.previousBookmark = newBookmark;
442                     }
443                 }
444             }
445         }
447         /**
448          * Signal that all bookmarks up to the specified step have been iterated over and are up-to-date. This allows
449          * removed nodes and invalid bookmarks to be removed from the cache. This function will return the closest
450          * undamaged bookmark just at or prior to the supplied step.
451          * @param {!number} currentIteratorStep
452          * @return {!ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
453          */
454         function repairCacheUpToStep(currentIteratorStep) {
455             var damagedBookmark,
456                 undamagedBookmark,
457                 nextBookmark,
458                 stepsBucket;
460             if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && lastUndamagedCacheStep < currentIteratorStep) {
461                 // The step indicates where in the document re-iteration has covered. This function
462                 // is called every time a bookmark is updated, and the lastUndamagedCacheStep is updated
463                 // after every call. This means that all bookmarks between the undamagedBookmark and the current step
464                 // have not been updated, so they are either:
465                 // a) no longer in the document and should be removed
466                 // or b) are no longer before this step and should be pushed back into the damaged region
468                 undamagedBookmark = getClosestBookmark(lastUndamagedCacheStep); // Get the last undamaged bookmark
469                 damagedBookmark = undamagedBookmark.nextBookmark; // Don't need to check the undamaged bookmark however
471                 while (damagedBookmark && damagedBookmark.steps <= currentIteratorStep) {
472                     nextBookmark = damagedBookmark.nextBookmark;
473                     stepsBucket = getDestinationBucket(damagedBookmark.steps);
474                     // A damaged bookmark is not valid in the stepToDomPoint. In order to minimise update load though
475                     // we don't remove them all at once. Each bookmark is checked vs. the damage point first before use,
476                     // so in order to guarantee we never return a damaged bookmark, we only need to remove damaged
477                     // bookmarks before the damage point.
479                     if (stepToDomPoint[stepsBucket] === damagedBookmark) {
480                         // stepToDomPoint is a sparsely populated cache. For damaged bookmarks, the
481                         // safest thing to do is to remove them entirely from view
482                         delete stepToDomPoint[stepsBucket];
483                     }
484                     if (!domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, damagedBookmark.node)) {
485                         // Node no longer exists in the document. Discard the bookmark as well
486                         removeBookmark(damagedBookmark);
487                         delete nodeToBookmark[damagedBookmark.nodeId];
488                     } else {
489                         // Move the damaged bookmark clearly past the undamaged step
490                         // If this appears later in the sequence, the step number will be corrected then
491                         damagedBookmark.steps = currentIteratorStep + 1;
492                     }
493                     damagedBookmark = nextBookmark;
494                 }
496                 // Have now recovered the cache up to the supplied step. All bookmarks up to this
497                 // step are guaranteed to be up-to-date.
498                 lastUndamagedCacheStep = currentIteratorStep;
499             } else {
500                 undamagedBookmark = getClosestBookmark(currentIteratorStep);
501             }
502             return undamagedBookmark;
503         }
505         /**
506          * Cache the current step, using the supplied node as the anchor
507          * @param {!number} steps Current steps offset from position 0
508          * @param {!Node} node
509          * @return {undefined}
510          */
511         this.updateBookmark = function(steps, node) {
512             var previousCacheBucket,
513                 newCacheBucket = getDestinationBucket(steps),
514                 existingCachePoint,
515                 bookmark,
516                 closestPriorBookmark;
518             closestPriorBookmark = repairCacheUpToStep(steps);
519             // Note, the node bookmark must be updated after the repair as if steps < lastUndamagedCacheStep
520             // the repair will assume any nodes after lastUndamagedCacheStep are damaged.
521             bookmark = getNodeBookmark(/**@type{!HTMLElement}*/(node));
522             if (bookmark.steps !== steps) {
523                 previousCacheBucket = getDestinationBucket(bookmark.steps);
524                 if (previousCacheBucket !== newCacheBucket && stepToDomPoint[previousCacheBucket] === bookmark) {
525                     delete stepToDomPoint[previousCacheBucket];
526                 }
527                 bookmark.steps = steps;
528             }
529             insertBookmark(closestPriorBookmark, bookmark);
530             existingCachePoint = stepToDomPoint[newCacheBucket];
531             // E.g., steps <= 500 are valid for a request starting at 500 and counting forward
532             if (!existingCachePoint || bookmark.steps > existingCachePoint.steps) {
533                 // The current node & offset are closer to the cache bucket boundary than the existing entry was
534                 stepToDomPoint[newCacheBucket] = bookmark;
535             }
536             verifyCache();
537         };
539         /**
540          * Set the iterator to the closest known position before or at the requested step, returning the number of steps
541          * from position 0.
542          * @param {!number} steps
543          * @param {!core.PositionIterator} iterator
544          * @return {!number} Corresponding step for the current iterator position
545          */
546         this.setToClosestStep = function (steps, iterator) {
547             var cachePoint;
548             verifyCache();
549             cachePoint = getClosestBookmark(steps);
550             cachePoint.setIteratorPosition(iterator);
551             return cachePoint.steps;
552         };
554         /**
555          * Finds the nearest ancestor node that has an associated bookmark
556          * @param {!Node} node
557          * @return {?ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
558          */
559         function findBookmarkedAncestor(node) {
560             var currentNode = node,
561                 nodeId,
562                 bookmark = null;
564             while (!bookmark && currentNode && currentNode !== rootElement) {
565                 nodeId = getNodeId(currentNode);
566                 if (nodeId) {
567                     // Take care as a nodeId may be bookmarked in another translator, but not this particular instance
568                     // Keep crawling up the hierarchy until a node is found with a node id AND bookmark in this translator
569                     bookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId];
570                     if (bookmark && !isValidBookmarkForNode(currentNode, bookmark)) {
571                         runtime.log("Cloned node detected. Creating new bookmark");
572                         bookmark = null;
573                         clearNodeId(/**@type{!Element}*/(currentNode));
574                     }
575                 }
576                 currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
577             }
578             return bookmark;
579         }
581         /**
582          * Set the iterator to the closest known position before or at the requested node & offset, returning the number
583          * of steps from position 0.
584          * @param {!Node} node
585          * @param {!number} offset
586          * @param {!core.PositionIterator} iterator
587          * @return {!number} Corresponding step for the current iterator position
588          */
589         this.setToClosestDomPoint = function (node, offset, iterator) {
590             var /**@type{?ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}*/
591                 bookmark,
592                 b,
593                 /**@type{string|number}*/
594                 key;
596             verifyCache();
597             if (node === rootElement && offset === 0) {
598                 bookmark = basePoint;
599             } else if (node === rootElement && offset === rootElement.childNodes.length) {
600                 bookmark = basePoint;
601                 for (key in stepToDomPoint) {
602                     if (stepToDomPoint.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
603                         b = stepToDomPoint[key];
604                         if (b.steps > bookmark.steps) {
605                             bookmark = b;
606                         }
607                     }
608                 }
609             } else {
610                 bookmark = findBookmarkedAncestor(node.childNodes.item(offset) || node);
611                 if (!bookmark) {
612                     // No immediate bookmark was found, so crawl backwards using the iterator and try and find a known position
613                     iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(node, offset);
614                     while (!bookmark && iterator.previousNode()) {
615                         bookmark = findBookmarkedAncestor(iterator.getCurrentNode());
616                     }
617                 }
618             }
620             bookmark = getUndamagedBookmark(bookmark || basePoint);
621             bookmark.setIteratorPosition(iterator);
622             return bookmark.steps;
623         };
625         /**
626          * Mark all steps beyond inflectionStep as no longer accurate. Note, if a negative value
627          * is passed in it is treated as a -1, and the whole cache will be cleared.
628          * @param {!number} inflectionStep
629          * @return {undefined}
630          */
631         this.damageCacheAfterStep = function(inflectionStep) {
632             if (inflectionStep < 0) {
633                 // Truncate negative steps to be 0. Saves some badness from occurring if a negative is passed in.
634                 inflectionStep = -1;
635             }
636             if (lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined) {
637                 lastUndamagedCacheStep = inflectionStep;
638             } else if (inflectionStep < lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
639                 lastUndamagedCacheStep = inflectionStep;
640             }
641             verifyCache();
642         };
644         function init() {
645             var rootElementId = getNodeId(rootElement) || setNodeId(rootElement);
646             basePoint = new RootBookmark(rootElementId, 0, rootElement);
647         }
648         init();
649     };
651     /**
652      * Enable or disable cache verification operation after every modification. VERY SLOW.
653      * This is primarily used in testing or during interactive diagnostics
654      * @type {!boolean}
655      */
656     ops.StepsCache.ENABLE_CACHE_VERIFICATION = false;
658     /*jslint emptyblock: true, unparam: true*/
659     /**
660      * @interface
661      */
662     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark = function Bookmark() { };
664     /**
665      * @type {!string}
666      */
667     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.nodeId;
669     /**
670      * @type {!Node}
671      */
672     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.node;
674     /**
675      * @type {!number}
676      */
677     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.steps;
679     /**
680      * @type {?ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
681      */
682     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.previousBookmark;
684     /**
685      * @type {?ops.StepsCache.Bookmark}
686      */
687     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.nextBookmark;
689     /**
690      * @param {!core.PositionIterator} iterator
691      * @return {undefined}
692      */
693     ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.setIteratorPosition = function(iterator) { };
694 }());