Class gui.UndoStateRules-ReverseIterator
Defined in: UndoStateRules.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
<inner> |
gui.UndoStateRules-ReverseIterator(array, predicate)
Return the first element from the end of the array that matches the supplied predicate.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Return the previous element in the array that matches the predicate
Class Detail
gui.UndoStateRules-ReverseIterator(array, predicate)
Return the first element from the end of the array that matches the supplied predicate.
Each subsequent call to previous will return the next element from the end of the array
that matches the predicate.
- Parameters:
- {!Array.} array
- {!function(!ops.Operation):!boolean} predicate
Method Detail
Return the previous element in the array that matches the predicate
- Returns:
- {?ops.Operation} Returns null when no more elements in the array match the predicate