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Class odf.TextStyleApplicator

Defined in: TextStyleApplicator.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
odf.TextStyleApplicator(objectNameGenerator, formatting, automaticStyles)
Class for applying a supplied text style to the given text nodes.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
applyStyle(textNodes, range, info)
Apply the specified text style to the given text nodes
Returns true if the passed in node is an ODT text span
moveToNewSpan(startNode, range)
Moves the specified node and all further siblings within the outer range into a new standalone container
Class Detail
odf.TextStyleApplicator(objectNameGenerator, formatting, automaticStyles)
Class for applying a supplied text style to the given text nodes.
{!odf.ObjectNameGenerator} objectNameGenerator
Source for generating unique automatic style names
{!odf.Formatting} formatting
Formatting retrieval and computation store
{!Node} automaticStyles
Root element for automatic styles
Method Detail
{undefined} applyStyle(textNodes, range, info)
Apply the specified text style to the given text nodes
{!Array.} textNodes
{!Range} range
style application bounds
{!Object} info
Style information. Only data within "style:text-properties" will be considered and applied

<inner> {!boolean} isTextSpan(node)
Returns true if the passed in node is an ODT text span
{!Node} node

<inner> {!Element} moveToNewSpan(startNode, range)
Moves the specified node and all further siblings within the outer range into a new standalone container
{!CharacterData} startNode
Node to start movement to new container
{!Range} range
style application bounds
{!Element} Returns the container node that is to be restyled

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Aug 06 2015 04:10:41 GMT+0200 (MESZ)