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Class odf.CollapsingRules

Defined in: CollapsingRules.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Defines a set of rules for how elements can be collapsed based on whether they contain ODT content (e.g.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns NodeFilter value if a given node is odf node or a text node that has a odf parent.
Returns true if the supplied node should be automatically collapsed (i.e.
Merge all child nodes into the node's parent and remove the node entirely
Class Detail
Defines a set of rules for how elements can be collapsed based on whether they contain ODT content (e.g., text or character elements).
{!Node} rootNode
Root text element of the odtDocument
Method Detail
<inner> {!number} filterOdfNodesToRemove(node)
Returns NodeFilter value if a given node is odf node or a text node that has a odf parent.
{!Node} node

<inner> {!boolean} isCollapsibleContainer(node)
Returns true if the supplied node should be automatically collapsed (i.e., removed) if it contains no text or ODF character elements. The only element that should always be kept is a paragraph element. Paragraph elements can only be deleted through merging
{!Node} node

<inner> {?Node} mergeChildrenIntoParent(targetNode)
Merge all child nodes into the node's parent and remove the node entirely
{!Node} targetNode
Node to merge into parent
{?Node} Final parent node collapsing ended at

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Aug 06 2015 04:10:40 GMT+0200 (MESZ)