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Class ops.OdtStepsTranslator

Defined in: OdtStepsTranslator.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ops.OdtStepsTranslator(rootNode, iterator, filter, bucketSize)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
convertDomPointToSteps(node, offset, roundDirection)
Convert the supplied DOM node & offset pair into it's equivalent steps from root If the node & offset is not in an accepted location, the roundDirection delegate is used to choose between rounding up or rounding down to the nearest step.
Convert the requested steps from root into the equivalent DOM node & offset pair.
Iterates over all available positions starting at the root node and primes the cache
roundToPreferredStep(iterator, roundDirection)
Uses the provided delegate to choose between rounding up or rounding down to the nearest step.
roundUpToStep(steps, iterator)
Saved bookmarks always represent the first step inside the corresponding paragraph or node.
updateCache(steps, iterator, isStep)
Update the steps cache based on the current iterator position.
Class Detail
ops.OdtStepsTranslator(rootNode, iterator, filter, bucketSize)
{!Element} rootNode
{!core.PositionIterator} iterator
{!core.PositionFilter} filter
{!number} bucketSize
Minimum number of steps between cache points
Method Detail
{!number} convertDomPointToSteps(node, offset, roundDirection)
Convert the supplied DOM node & offset pair into it's equivalent steps from root If the node & offset is not in an accepted location, the roundDirection delegate is used to choose between rounding up or rounding down to the nearest step. If not provided, the default behaviour is to round down.
{!Node} node
{!number} offset
{function(!core.StepDirection|!Node|!number):!boolean=} roundDirection

{!{node: !Node|offset: !number}} convertStepsToDomPoint(steps)
Convert the requested steps from root into the equivalent DOM node & offset pair. If the requested step is before the start or past the end of the document, a RangeError will be thrown.
{!number} steps
{!{node: !Node|offset: !number}}

{undefined} handleStepsInserted(eventArgs)
{!{position: !number}} eventArgs

{undefined} handleStepsRemoved(eventArgs)
{!{position: !number}} eventArgs

{undefined} prime()
Iterates over all available positions starting at the root node and primes the cache

<inner> {!boolean} roundToPreferredStep(iterator, roundDirection)
Uses the provided delegate to choose between rounding up or rounding down to the nearest step.
{!core.PositionIterator} iterator
{function(!core.StepDirection|!Node|!number):boolean=} roundDirection
{!boolean} Returns true if an accepted position is found, otherwise returns false.

<inner> {undefined} roundUpToStep(steps, iterator)
Saved bookmarks always represent the first step inside the corresponding paragraph or node. Based on the current TextPositionFilter impl, this means rounding up if the current iterator position is not on a step.
{!number} steps
{!core.PositionIterator} iterator

<inner> {undefined} updateCache(steps, iterator, isStep)
Update the steps cache based on the current iterator position. This can either add new bookmarks or update existing references and repair damaged regions of the cache.
{!number} steps
{!core.PositionIterator} iterator
{!boolean} isStep

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Aug 06 2015 04:10:41 GMT+0200 (MESZ)